Friday 22 May 2009

Ice cream van!!!! what a great idea!

On Tuesday The Daily Mail brought us a world wide exclusive news story. A story that will make any right wing, xenophobic, supremist institute like The Mail and its readers so proud.

Two brothers from Essex have introduced Dubai to the great concept of putting some ice cream in a vehicle and go around town to sell it. What an original idea! How enterpreunial those Essex boys are! Those Middle Eastern people will never think of something so creative. "the van is even starting to bring together the different nationalities which make up the country, providing them with a meeting place" the older brother said.

"This is the first ice cream van in Dubai and possibly the Middle East"

This last sentence annoyed me so much I was all geared up to write a 5000 words essay on the subject. Lucky you, I spent the next few hours on google looking for a certain photo I needed but I couldn't find it. Now I have to wait till I get a copy of that photo from Syria. So expect more on the subject some time in the near future.

Nevertheless, I thought I should still have a quick rant about my beloved Daily Mail.


  1. Good stuff. Let it all out! I do all the time and it's great :-D

  2. I know, sometimes you can't keep it in.

    The ignorant and biased attitude of The Mail, The Sun and The Express gets me every single time.

  3. Interesting Kano. The prejudices of the rightwingers go beyond putting the whole middle east and its peoples into one image of a bearded, backward patriarch with a gun in hand, they even want to disfigure the little things, our memories, and anything that falls outside that prejudiced image. Go Kano, go... and I am really looking forward to that photo to come...

  4. By the way, if you look closely behind the woman and child, you will find that there is a bloody CAMEL eating an ice cream cone on their van... How original...

  5. Mate, you are getting me that photo!

  6. Ah, Ok, of course, will do that...
