An exciting new addition to the blogosphere, a new blog dedicated to Syrian food but this time in French.
The blog is called Paris-Alep, Flavours of Syria, France and elsewhere. It is mainly dedicated to Aleppian cuisine but will also feature some French pastries and North African recipes.
The blog is brand new with only four recipes so far but they all look great. The writer has a great eye for photography and all the recipes are presented in a beautiful photographic step by step. I hope they keep the blog going.
Go take a look, it certainly worth a visit:
English translation of the blog using Google Translate
no blog can compete yours.
Thank you very much. You made me a happy man.
Thank you very much for this post :-)
It is a pleasure
Fabulous blog1 I just checked it out and I am going to add it to my blog roll! Aleppo is supposed to have the finest cuisine of all of the Levant, right?
You are asking the wrong person here. Being from Damascus my immediate answer will be "No, Damascus have the finest cuisine" :)
Joking aside, they do have a great cuisine in Aleppo and it is very unique. They use more sophisticated flavours. They mix sweet and sour and use fruits in cooking, and The food generally have more spice.
It has some "fusion food" feel to it. It has lots of external influences due to Aleppo's history as an important stop on the Silk Route.
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