Pomegranate molasses gone mainstream!
If you are of the foodie types you will know pomegranate molasses has been in vouge for quite a while. You see it every where nowadays; in cooking shows, newspaper reviews and food blogs. Despite that I thought this interest is confined to foodies and TV chefs until I saw it on a high street supermarket shelf in deepest whitest Essex. The last place on Earth to sell pomegranate molasses!

Wow. Can't believe you can buy pomegranate molasses in British supermarkets. I also didn't realise it was in vogue. We use it al the time here in Turkey - home made though. We love it. :)
I'll check in Tokyo for it, but if found I'm sure it'll cost a king's ransom.
Also, I have added you to the list of "Blogs I'm following" on my blog. I love your recipes.
I LOVE pomegranate molasses, I am glad for the people of deepest whitest Essex! Cheers!
Syrian green olives, zahtar, union ,debes reman and hot red peper, the best mixture for diner.
unfortunatly the quality is not the same as it was in the past ,when it was natural, the same is going with MAA AL ZAHER and MAA AL WARD,
more people in the wold less natural food,
I have an italian friend who says , one more child one less tree,
50 years ago Syria had fantastic natural resourses, fantastic rivers with a lot of fish,
now all these rivers absolutly all of them are dead, it is sad but it is true,
le, Brasil
Hi Kano,
I just picked up some pomegranate molasses here in Doha on a whim, and then opened your blog. I was expecting the molasses to be sweet and that I could use it as s sweetener, but it is not too sweet. What do you do with it?
If that was in a Sainsbury's store, then I'm not surprised. They are usually the first ones to stock anything 'unusual'. I got my agave nectar from there and was very glad to see it!
Asa I said it became really fashionable in the last couple of years.
Thank you for following
Glad you can fine it in Australia
Thanks for the thoughts
Pomegranate molasses is sour rather than sweet and mainly used in savoury dishes and salad dressing. Date molasses and grape molasses are a lot sweeter and they can be used in sweets.
Here are few ideas to use pomegranate molasses:
It is in Sainsbury's. They have this great "cooks" section. You can find some niche ingredients.
I bought a bottle of pomegranate molasses while at the Middle Eastern market looking for zaatar. I'm not sure what to do with it yet but I'm very excited about the possibilities.
Welcome to my blog!
I am glad you decided to try pomegranate molasses. There are so many ideas to use it on my blog. You can do a search or check the links in one of the posts above.
Hope you like them.
P.S. you have a beautiful looking blog.
Pomegranate molasses is one of those things that I use on salad dressings, sauces, marinades, you name it. I am saddened by the lesser quality of the rose water and orange blossom water and now I am thinking of making my own!
Is it easy to mek rose water and orange blossom water?!
Hi Kano,
Thanks for the tips. Does pomegranate molasses need to be refrigerated? It doesn't say anything on the bottle I have.
No it doesn't. you can keep it in room temperature without a problem.
I live in a second-tier Norwegian town and found it at a Middle Eastern/Indian store out in Sandnes (near Stavanger) last year. Needed it for a Fattoush recipe that called for it in the dressing and it worked out fantastic. Unfortunately, the store was recently torn down, so if I can't find an alternative supply, guess London is the place to pick it up!
Welcome to my blog!
you can find any ingredients you wish here in London.
A condition d'avoir quelques grenades à la maison, il est très facile de faire soi-même de la mélasse de grenade.
c'est très bon et sain puisque fait à la maison.
Hi pmur70,
Where did you find pomegranate molasses in Doha? I have checked some of the prime hypermarkets but in vain.
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